Kokila Uma

Economics 101

“The economy is in decline” is probably what we have heard the most recently, after hearing sentences on how 2020 delivered a year which made horror movies seem like cartoons. Before we dive into whether the slope of our economy is declining or inclining, what is the economy?

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grey market
Tejal Jain and Shivam Srivastava

The Curious Case of Grey Market

Like all things in life, the markets too are not exactly black and white. Sometimes it’s green, the other times it bleeds red. Alongside these, there is a narrow domain which is in-between, unbeknownst to

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Marginal Relief
Karphaka Akila

Marginal Relief

Marginal Relief is a provision in the tax laws to reduce the burden of the taxpayer in paying Surcharge at the rates applicable to it, when the Total income exceeds certain, specified limits.

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Disentangling the tax trauma
Karphaka Akila

Why do we pay Tax?

Tax trauma is a myth when you understand the genesis of ‘What, Why, Who, When, and How’ of Taxes. This article will debunk and simplify it all, for you.

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Game theory
Akchiya Stephen

Game Theory

Game theory is not about winning or losing alone. Beyond that, it teaches you to be smart in a competitive situation and to be fair in a cooperative situation.

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