Why TMM?

The outset of desire to use, own or experience something is the genesis of financial education. The means to fulfil desire might be endless but the resources however are limited to time, place, affordability and many other factors which in turn give rise to what’s called the purchasing power.

What makes someone more deserving or successful in the avenues they pursue is dependent on their trajectory in building, understanding & applying the knowledge, skillsets and some important social responsibilities. In whatever one seeks, fundamental understanding in finance and business has become a must, now more than ever.

We, at The Market Mentality, continuously work towards building a community where one can fulfil the hunger for such knowledge and manoeuvre their cognitive skillsets. It is for every Investor and Entrepreneur who is continuously exploring and pushing new boundaries every other day, just like us.

Meet the Team

Akchiya Stephen

Creater & Editor

Finance woman’s obsession to decode people’s mindset over money through research and writing.

Rahul Jacob

Content Creator & Webmaster

Young entrepreneur’s zeal to bridge the knowledge-gap and facilitate opportunities on Startups.

Vaishnavi Setloor


A student-Dentist’s artistic take on Finance through Illustrations.

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